======Samurai Cloak====== {{ :sp:screenshot_2023-09-06_223545.png?400 |}} ----- ^ Details || ^ BUFFS | +50 Health + 5% Speed Boost | ^ COST | Unobtainable unless you're a Samurai | ---- ===== Creation===== ## The Samurai Cloak, a garment of elegance and power, had its origins in Kuroyama Kajiya. A skilled blacksmith named Hiroshi Kuroyama, the heir to the forge's ancient legacy. Hiroshi was not just a master craftsman but also a samurai who sought to blend the art of combat with the intricacies of his craft. One fateful day, Hiroshi ventured deep into the treacherous Forbidden Forest, a mysterious woodland on the outskirts of the Land of Iron that was believed to be inhabited by spirits and creatures of ancient lore. His quest was to seek out the mystical Golden Silk Spider, a rare and ethereal arachnid known for spinning silk threads infused with magical properties. After a perilous journey through the dark and enchanted forest, Hiroshi encountered the Golden Silk Spider, a creature of immense wisdom and ancient knowledge. Recognizing the sincerity of Hiroshi's purpose, the spider presented him with a gift—a single strand of its golden silk. This silk was said to possess the essence of the forest's magic, a harmonious blend of nature's energy and ethereal enchantments.