======Queen Hana Lamora IV====== {{ :sp:hana4.png?500 |}} ----- ^ Personal Details || ^ NAME | Hana Lamora IV | ^ BORN | ??? | ^ AGE | ??? | ^ ALLEGIANCE | Avalon | ^ STATUS | Alive | ---- =====Description===== ## The current Monarch of Avalon. Not much is known about her. The only appearance she's made is in when Konoha shinobi attended a festival in her honor, though any shinobi who tries to recall her appearance finds themselves unable to. She is known to be a cold individual who doesn't seem to care much for the needs of other nations Hana Lamora IV characteristics can be described as Short, White haired, With the Glowing Purple eyes with a strange symbol that some within the Lamora clan strangely inherit and is usually seen wearing Darker Clothing. Hana Lamora is not usually seen alone and is protected by the Avalon Military with the up most security. She's like most past queens of Avalon in the fact that she is pretty young. =====Information===== The only known fact about her is that she can manipulate other people. The extend of her abilities and her overall danger is remains unknown... Rumors like to say the [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:vane| First Hokage, Vane Senju]] tried to sweet talk her, ending in utter failure. =====Leadership===== Almost nothing is known about the system of government within Avalon, though many citizens show support for the queen. Whether this is through non-violent means is still yet to be seen. {{ :sp:hana3.png?600 |}} {{ :sp:hana5.png?600 |}} //Hana Lamora IV inside of one of the Capital's Courtyards within the country of Avalon//