======Ketsuryugan====== {{ :sp:screenshot_2023-08-12_183058.png?350 |}} ----- ^ Benefits || ^ BUFF #1 | Ability to see Shinobi HP | ^ BUFF #2| x1.35 Speed Boost | ^ BUFF #3| Unlockable Blood Dragon ability| ---- =====Description===== ## The Ketsuryugan is a eye technique that is considered to be a counterpart to the more well-known [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:sharingan|Sharingan]] and [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:byakugan|Byakugan]]. The name "Ketsuryugan, or better known as "Blood Dragon Eye" is connected to blood-related techniques. Speak to the statue in Hell Valley to obtain your Dojutsu. Sacrifice max Genins for moves in Permadeath event. ======Dojutsu Progression====== ===1st Progression === * Make a sacrifice to the statue at Cloud - Stone; the sacrificed person must have Genin Max rank * **Unlocks Ketsuryugan Eyes ** ===2nd Progression === * Max Genin rank sacrifice * **Unlocks Chinoike Genjutsu** ===3rd Progression === * Offer 3 Chunin sacrifices to the statue * **Unlocks Blood Dragon** ===4th Progression === * ??? * **Unlocks Blood Slice** **How to use** * G (If required): Activates/Deactivates Left Dojutsu. * H (If required): Activates/Deactivates Right Dojutsu. * D-PAD LEFT: Left Dojutsu On/Off * D-PAD RIGHT: Right Dojutsu On/Off ---- {{ :sp:screenshot_2023-08-11_144226.png?900 |}} //Hell Valley Sacrifice Arena, this is not a trainer but is required to obtain the Dojutsu Ketsuryagan.//