======Narukami====== {{ :sp:narukami.png?500|}|}} ----- ^ Weapon Details || ^ NAME | Narukami | ^ CREATED | 5 VE | ^ CREATOR | Osho, The Monk | ^ KILLS | 250+ | ^ Condition | Perfect | ^ VILLAGE | [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:konohagakure|Konohagakure]] | ^ ORIGIN | Golden Chakra Crystal, and a piece of the Oiken | ^ Special Ability |// "HAKUYA!"// | ^ Wielders || ^ WIELDER | Rui Hyuga | ^ PAST WIELDERS | ??? | ---- =====Awakening===== ## An ancient tool, said to be the 3rd weapon created by the Osho, The weapon had a long history of usage, including the infamous Crow Uzumaki... The weapon is said to be able to seal away people... However the extent of the weapon was never reached, the rest about the Gourd is unknown =====Confinement===== Later taken to Land Of Mountains, and sealed away by "Vane Uchiha" =====Past Wielders===== * [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:crow|Crow Uzumaki the Cripple]]