======Ner Y. Uchiha====== {{ :sp:ner.png?500 |}} ----- ^ Personal Details || ^ NAME | Ner Y. Uchiha | ^ BORN | 1 VE | ^ AGE | 13 | ^ KILLS | 3 | ^ STATUS | Alive | ^ VILLAGE | [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:kirigakure|Kirigakure]]/[[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:sungakure|Sunagakure]] | ^ QUOTE | //"Old men are the cause of young men dying for their mistakes."// | ---- =====Birth===== ## In the shadowed outskirts of the Mist, a secret birth took place that would change the course of Shinobi history. Ner Uchiha, a child born of two powerful lineages—the Uchiha and the Yuki clans—entered the world under a veil of secrecy. Her parents, aware of the danger her unique heritage posed, smuggled her into [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:sungakure|Sunagakure]], hoping to secure a future free from the persecution that haunted their past. =====Early Age===== From a young age, Ner’s eyes reflected a determination that set her apart. She harbored dreams of restoring Kirigakure to its former glory—a land where the Mist would once again be a proud symbol of power and strength. Her ambition was not merely to rebuild its physical attributes but to reclaim its lost culture and heritage. =====Creation of The Fragments===== As she matured, Ner’s leadership qualities blossomed. She formed a group known as the Fragments of the Mist, a collective dedicated to the revival of Kirigakure. The Fragments were made up of former Mist high-ranking officials, seasoned Chūnin, and skilled Jōnin. Their influence extended far beyond the borders of the Mist, drawing support from Shinobi across the lands who believed in Ner’s vision. =====An Escape===== But Ner's life had narrowly escaped a dark turn. As a newborn, she was nearly subjected to experiments by [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:galaxy|Galaxy Uzumaki]], a renowned scientist and the most advanced medical Shinobi the world had ever seen. Galaxy sought to exploit Ner's exceptional genes, planning to fuse them with [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:vane|Vane Senju's]] cells. This fusion promised to create a being of unparalleled power, but Ner's family intervened, spiriting her away from the Land of Water at great risk. =====Awakening===== Ner's unique lineage bore fruit in unexpected ways. The royal bloodlines of the [[:sp:yuki|Yuki]] and [[:sp:uchiha_clan|Uchiha]] clans coursed through her veins, culminating in the awakening of her Azure Soul. This transformation altered her [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:sharingan|Sharingan]] into a mesmerizing shade of blue, and her flames, already intense, now burned with a brilliant blue hue. This extraordinary combination of her mixed heritage and the potential genetic alterations made Ner a formidable force in the Shinobi world. =====Morals & Beliefs===== Despite her power, Ner’s heart was steadfast in her beliefs. She stood against the discrimination that plagued the Shinobi world, believing that no Shinobi should suffer because of their clan lineage. Her past, marked by prejudice both in the Mist and in the Sand, fueled her resolve to weave a new era for all Shinobi. As Ner worked tirelessly towards her goal, she drew the ire of the world’s ruling powers. Figures like Ikari Uchiha and Rui, entrenched in their totalitarian systems, saw her as a threat to their control. They feared the hope she embodied, the power of light and optimism she wielded in a world seeking to subjugate the masses. "Old men are the cause of young men dying for their mistakes," Ner often reflected, her azure eyes burning with resolve. Ikari had trampled upon the Shinobi world long enough, and Ner was determined to put an end to the cycle of oppression. =====Leadership & Vision===== In the heart of the Sand Village, as the sun set over the dunes, Ner stood tall, her blue flames casting long shadows. She was not just a leader; she was a beacon of hope, a symbol of rebellion against the darkness of the old ways. The Fragments of the Mist rallied around her, ready to restore the honor and strength of Kirigakure and, ultimately, the entire Shinobi world. Her journey is fraught with peril, but Ner Uchiha remains undeterred. With every step, she moves closer to a future which she and many other envisioned— where no Shinobi would be judged by their lineage, where the Mist would rise from its ashes, and where the song of the Mist shall guide them all out of the darkness and into the light.