======Ramen Guy - BOSS====== {{ :sp:screenshot_2023-08-14_113026.png?350 |}} ----- ^ Personal Details || ^ NAME | UNKNOWN | ^ BORN | UNKNOWN | ^ HEALTH | 300 | ^ STATUS | Alive | ^ DROP TYPES || ^ DROP #1 | **Unlocks Frog Suit Schematic ** | ^ DROP #2 | **UNKNOWN XP** | ---- ===== Early Life===== ## The proprietor, affectionately known as Ramen Guy, was a mysterious figure with a knack for crafting the most exquisite bowls of ramen that had ever graced the taste buds of any Shinobi. In his youth, he had trained as a skilled ninja, proficient in the art of taijutsu. However, life had other plans for him. During a mission that went awry, Teuchi suffered a serious injury that ended his career as a ninja. Forced to find a new path, he turned to his other passion—ramen. =====Ramen Guy meets Carter ===== Carter, a rogue ninja with a troubled past who sought refuge in Konoha. Carter was known for his dubious dealings and had a history of unpaid debts across various villages. Desperate for shelter, he stumbled upon Ichiraku Ramen, thinking he could exploit Teuchi's kindness. The Ramen Guy offered Carter a helping hand and a chance at redemption. Carter took advantage of his generosity, accumulating a hefty tab at Ichiraku Ramen, all the while avoiding repayment with excuses and empty promises. He took Carter's frog suit until he was able to return his debts.