====== Tall Yome - DEAD ====== {{:sp:joshv.png?500|}} ----- ^ Personal Details || ^ NAME | Tall Yome | ^ BORN | 17 BVE | ^ DIED | 12 VE | ^ AGE | 29 | ^ KILLS | 100+ | ^ VILLAGE | [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:sungakure|Sunagakure]]| ^ QUOTE | //"There is no greater light than sun, I am Atomic"//| ^ STATUS | Dead | ^ Leadership || ^ IN OFFCE | 1 VE - Present | ^ HEIR | Mad Uchiha | ---- ===== Early Life ===== ## Tall Yome, an enigmatic figure in the annals of shinobi history, is best known as the visionary founder of [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:sungakure|Sunagakure]]. Born in the mountainous region of what was then known as the Land of Wind, Tall's early life laid the foundation for a journey that would shape the destiny of a burgeoning village. He is the last active first generation kage. =====Ancestral Influences===== Tall's lineage carried the unique blend of water and fire chakra natures, a testament to his diverse heritage. His father, a descendant of the prestigious [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:hyuga_clan|Hyuga Clan]], provided him with the fiery essence, while his mother's lineage remained shrouded in mystery with the possession of water chakra. It became apparent from a young age that Tall possessed a prodigious talent for controlling small water particles, prompting questions about his innate abilities. =====The Emergence of a Dōjutsu===== A pivotal moment in Tall's early life occurred during a cold night when a change manifested in his eyes—a Dōjutsu. This unforeseen awakening marked a turning point, setting the stage for Tall's departure from his parents at the tender age of 10, driven by a quest to understand the true extent of his newfound power. Tall's sojourn into the world of shinobi began with numerous challenges, trials, and tribulations. Living independently from a young age, he displayed an uncanny ability to foresee impending dangers, a talent that guided him through life's adversities. His travels led him to a village in the Land of Fire named 力 [Power], where he encountered acceptance and an encounter with an elderly sage named Sēji. =====Enlightenment and Chakra Mastery===== Under Sēji's tutelage, Tall delved into the intricacies of chakra, honing his control and expanding his understanding of its nuances. His mysterious mentor bestowed upon him profound wisdom, setting the stage for Tall to master his abilities by the age of 14. Determined to unravel the secrets of his power, Tall's journey continued. A pivotal moment occurred when Tall stumbled upon an abandoned tavern housing a tablet titled “偉大なヨメ” (The Great Yome). The inscription revealed a profound message attributing rainfall to Yome's great power, describing them as gods to humanity. This discovery ignited Tall's curiosity and self-reflection, questioning if he, too, was one of the Great Yome. =====Founding of Sunagakure===== Armed with newfound knowledge about his clan and a sense of purpose, Tall returned to the unforgiving Land of Wind. Unbeknownst to him, the land harbored perilous sandstorms and the formidable creature Shadokumo, a colossal scorpion with venom capable of melting steel. Tall Yome's determination to protect his people propelled him on a perilous journey to confront Shadokumo. Seeking ancient scrolls and consulting wise sages, Tall acquired the knowledge necessary to face the fearsome creature. The epic battle that ensued saw Tall dodging venomous strikes with grace, eventually piercing Shadokumo's vulnerable point in a final, mighty blow. =====Birth of Sunagakure===== News of Tall Yome's victory spread throughout the Land of Wind, inspiring divided clans to unite under a common banner. Impressed by Tall's courage and strength, clan leaders swore allegiance, forming the village of Sunagakure, meaning "Village Hidden in the Sand." Tall Yome became its first Kazekage, vowing to protect it with his life. =====Village Dreams and Goals===== Following his triumph, Tall achieved his dream of uniting four clans—Yome, Oribe, Houki, and Kazesuna—creating a flourishing Sunagakure. As the village grew in numbers and strength, Tall Yome's legacy endured, leaving an indelible mark on shinobi history. The tale of Tall Yome's founding of Sunagakure and the legendary battle with Shadokumo inspired future generations to strive for unity, strength, and unwavering resolve in the face of adversity. The great feats of Tall Yome and his Shinobi set the stage for Sunagakure's promising future, prompting reflection on whether Tall Yome would be remembered as one of the greatest leaders in shinobi history. =====Death===== Tragically, Tall Yome met his untimely demise when he was ambushed by a coalition of 20 Shinobi from the [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:iwagakure|Iwagakure]] and [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:konohagakure|Konohagakure]] Villages. Despite his formidable skills, he was overwhelmed by the sheer numbers and ferocity of the attackers. His death sent shockwaves through the Sand Village, leaving the people mourning the loss of their beloved leader. Tall Yome's legacy, however, continues to the future generations of Sand Village Shinobi, of which he himself spent many years building.