======The Will of Yin====== {{ :sp:samuraiarmor:yin.png |}} ----- ^ Details || ^ CARD | BASIC | ^ BUFFS | Allows you to roll Yin will talents| ^ REQUIREMENTS | Jonin + Talent Roll | ---- =====Talent Description===== ## The Ability to Master the Yin based Techniques is unlocked. Upon selecting [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:thewillofyin | The Will of Yin]] you are able to roll the following talents. * Yin Path Veil * Yin Path Cold Front * Yin Path Satisfaction * Yin Path Everything is Satisfying * Yin Path Vital Flow * Yin Path Shadow Serenity * Yin Path Veil Strike * Yin Path Take All Give None