======Valentine Tetsu Kurogane - DEAD ====== {{ :sp:valentime.png?500 |}} ----- ^ Personal Details || ^ NAME | Valentine Kurogane | ^ BORN | 81 BVE | ^ DIED | 5 VE | ^ AGE | 87 | ^ KILLS | 300+ | ^ STATUS | Dead | ^ VILLAGE | [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:Tetsu|Tetsu no Kuni]] | ^ QUOTE| //“Old age really does a number on ya' boy...”//| ^ Leadership || ^ IN OFFCE | 40 BVE - 5 VE | ^ SUCCEEDED BY | Musashi Tetsu Kurogane | ---- ===== Early Life and Training===== ## Valentine Tetsu Kurogane, born in 81 BVE during a tumultuous period marked by the War of the Red Snow, played a significant role in the history of the [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:loi|Land of Iron]]. The son of the 46th Shogun, General Kettei Tetsu Kurogane, Valentine's life unfolded amidst a brutal civil war that erupted due to issues surrounding succession rites and the refusal of his mother to marry. Raised during the conflict between the "Handan" and "Tetsu" factions, Valentine underwent rigorous training in swordsmanship from a young age. Conditioned to be a formidable warrior adhering strictly to the Code of Honor representing the Tetsu faction, his upbringing was harsh and unforgiving. The War of the Red Snow left indelible scars on Valentine, shaping him into a formidable force on the battlefield. =====Ascension and Tyranny===== At the war's conclusion, Valentine assumed the position of Shogun as his mother, battle-worn and aged, performed ritual seppuku. However, his reign was marked by tyranny. Implementing the 'Tetsu Code' with an iron fist, dissenters faced severe consequences, and any attempts at rebellion were met with ruthless suppression. The oppressive rule sowed the seeds of discontent, leading to the emergence of a rebellion against Valentine's regime. The rebellion, a mix of disgruntled citizens and individuals from diverse backgrounds, set the stage for the formation of the Kenrai, an organization that posed a grave threat to the Land of Iron. Skirmishes between the Kenrai and Valentine's forces were protracted and challenging. The Kenrai, well-versed in Samurai tactics, consistently outsmarted their adversaries. =====Desperation and Alliance with Magic-Wielders===== In a desperate move, Valentine, against his lifelong principles, sought aid from magic-wielders, calling upon the five kage of the southern lands. The alliance faced numerous challenges as the Kenrai continued to outmaneuver them. Valentine's reluctant collaboration with magic-users marked a turning point in the conflict. As the war persisted, Valentine found unlikely allies in his two sons, Musashi and Genji Tetsu Kurogane, and forged friendships with shinobi such as Shiro Miyanaki and [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:blare|Blare Yuki]], the Mizukage. Together, they faced the Kenrai leaders in intense battles that tested their resolve. Eventually, the Shogun retired, passing the title to his son Musashi, and retreated into the mountains to pursue the study of medicine, yearning for peace after years of strife. =====Legacy===== Valentine Tetsu Kurogane's legacy is one of conflict, transformation, and the pursuit of redemption. His role in the War of the Red Snow and the subsequent events shaped the Land of Iron's history, leaving an indelible mark on the nation and its people. ----- {{ :sp:cursed.png?800 |}} //The cursed Terraforge Edge, one of the last remaining cursed blades// -----