======Vane Senju - Dead ====== {{ :sp:vane.png?500 |}} ----- ^ Personal Details || ^ NAME | Vane Senju | ^ BORN | 28 BVE | ^ AGE | 33 | ^ KILLS | 15 | ^ STATUS | UNKNOWN | ^ VILLAGE | [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:konohagakure|Konohagakure]] | ^ QUOTE| //“These gods you worship aren’t real, I am your God”//| ^ Leadership || ^ IN OFFCE | 1 VE - 3 VE | ^ HEIR | Carter Uchiha | ---- =====Early Life===== ## Vane Senju, born into the prestigious [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:senju_clan|Senju Clan]], was destined from birth to uphold the Messiah, Shinsu Senjus' ability, and divine blessing for the prosperity of his clan. However, the prophecy surrounding Shinsu Senjus' Chosen one took an unexpected turn, shaping Vane's future in ways he could never have imagined. From a tender age, Vane exhibited traits indicative of a psychopath, developing a bipolar personality and a sinister nature due to the harrowing experiences of bloodshed and warfare that scarred him for life. =====Path of Destruction===== Vane's descent into darkness was marked by an intense gambling habit and a penchant for waging wars against civilian villages and trading companies. His actions included acts of murder and thievery for personal gain, disrupting the harmony and peace the clan had strived for. Vane silenced dissenters, erasing witnesses and leaving behind a trail of mythical events in the annals of history. As a teenager, he wielded his bestowed powers for destruction and tyranny, earning him the ominous moniker "Golden Boy." =====The Judge and his Executioner===== Vane's destructive path found a companion in his brother, Ikari Uchiha. From childhood, the two formed an unbreakable bond, united by similar natures and prowess. [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:ikari|Ikari Uchiha]] served as Vane's right-hand man both on and off the battlefield, with their combined strength striking fear across nations. Despite their destructive endeavors, much of their activities remained shrouded in mystery, but their presence in battle foretold doom for any who crossed their paths. After years of conquest, Vane and Ikari's dream of a formidable nation became reality. Uniting all clans in the Land of Fire, Vane earned the trust of the populace, leading to the establishment of the [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:konohagakure|Hidden Leaf Village]]. Named the Hokage, Vane rose to power, overseeing the village's military, foreign policy, and economy. Under his rule, Konoha flourished as a symbol of wealth, opportunity, and untapped potential. =====The King's Gambit===== Vane's insatiable thirst for power led him to propose the concept of "Total Conquest," employing deadly war tactics to bring down entire nations, including [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:kumogakure|Kumogakure]]. The skilled Leaf Shinobi, under Vane's command, played a pivotal role in the demise of the First Mizukage, [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:blare|Blare Yuki]]. The destruction and separation of once-inhabited lands became Vane's legacy, as [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:konohagakure|Konohagakure]] continued to thrive under his rule. As of the present day, Vane Senju stands as the Hokage, continuing to shape the destiny of [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:konohagakure|Konohagakure]], with his brother [[https://wiki.unlimitedprojectstudio.com/doku.php?id=sp:ikari|Ikari Uchiha]] faithfully overseeing the village's operations.