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Ikari Uchiha

Personal Details
NAME Ikari Uchiha
AGE 37
KILLS 1500+
QUOTE “Live with purpose, embrace each moment”
VILLAGE Land of Mountains

Early Life

Ikari Uchiha, born into the Land of Fire during the era in which the clans ruled the lands, quickly developed his abilities and became widely known throughout his clan. It was during Ikari's childhood that he met another boy who shared the same ideals as him; the boy belonged to the Senju Clan, his name being Vane Senju. These two became very good friends and decided that together they would unite their clans and create what would now be known as Konoha. They quickly rose to become the respective heads of their clans and began uniting everyone within the Land of Fire, though it didn't come without hardships.

Opposing Ideals

While the Hyuga clan agreed to unite because they thought it would be very beneficial for everyone in the coming future, the same couldn't be said for the Lee.

When the idea was proposed to them, they were quick to disagree, as they believed that they were better off living on their own rather than becoming apart of one big village. They stood their ground and declared that they would never do something like that. After this encounter, Ikari and Vane realized that they couldn't just let the Lee sit there and not be part of their bigger dream, and so, during a Lee clan meeting, they made their move and forced the Lee to submit to them.

With this, all of the clans residing in the Land of Fire were united, and the first of the five great villages was formed, the Hidden Leaf, with Vane Senju being made the Hokage and Ikari being appointed as his advisor.

Peace and Harmony

For the following years, Konoha continued to grow and advance as a village, even with the other nations following in their footsteps and creating their own villages. Konoha dominated the Shinobi world. During this time, Ikari and Vane would go on countless missions, making their presence known wherever they found themselves at.

After some time passes, believing that Konoha was in good enough hands for him to leave it off to a successor, the Hokage steps down and goes missing for a while. With this, Ikari decides he wishes to explore the world and try new things, so he leaves the Leaf and joins the Hidden Sand along with a few other Leaf Shinobi.

Ikari would go on to travel to the Land of Mountains once he hears news of Kenzo, as he makes his way through the land accompanied by ??? he stumbles upon the residence of Tae Hyuga. The two converse about many things, and ultimately, Ikari decides to stay within the land to further improve his abilities. After the Chunin go through with their mission on Kenzo, Ikari joins the group and learns new techniques.


News had begun to circulate that the Leaf village was going through major reforms and was at war with Kirigakure. Once Ikari heard of this and was told that it was Vane and one of his cousins leading the reform and war, he decided to get the original group of Leaf Shinobi that he left with to rejoin the village along with him. The day he rejoined the village was the day of the war. With this happening, he was able to fight with his village once again and put all his effort into doing so.

During the war, Ikari and Dan are quickly able to make work of the Mizukage, knocking him at the start of the fight, though he is saved. He would go on to kill multiple Mist High ranks before fighting the Mizukage once again with his village. They manage to knock out the Kage again, yet he is picked up by the Raikage. A chase would then ensue for multiple hours as Yakuza ran and ran with Blare Yuki on his back. Ikari would barely be able to catch up and would use lots of long-ranged jutsu in order to hit him with something that would harm him and stop him from moving as he continued to run. Though this would come to an end as Yakuza is put in an earth dome and Mizukage is knocked off his back, he would quickly be picked up by Dan Hyuga, and the two ran away with him before ending his life, with Ikari taking his executioner's blade.

The leaf shinobi would return home after this and recuperate; they show off their spoils, and rewards are given out. Ikari is promoted to Village Overseer, ensuring the stability of the village going forward.