Table of Contents


BUFF #1 Ability to see Shinobi HP
BUFF #2 x1.35 Speed Boost
BUFF #3 Unlockable Blood Dragon ability


The Ketsuryugan is a eye technique that is considered to be a counterpart to the more well-known Sharingan and Byakugan. The name “Ketsuryugan, or better known as “Blood Dragon Eye” is connected to blood-related techniques.

Speak to the statue in Hell Valley to obtain your Dojutsu. Sacrifice max Genins for moves in Permadeath event.

Dojutsu Progression

1st Progression

2nd Progression

3rd Progression

4th Progression

How to use


Hell Valley Sacrifice Arena, this is not a trainer but is required to obtain the Dojutsu Ketsuryagan.