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DROP #1 Kunai 1-20 (80%)
DROP #2 Gold 1-20 (50%)
DROP #3 Ryo 1-1000 (50%)
DROP #4 Iron 1-20 (50%)
DROP #5 Chakra Fragment (30%)
DROP #6 Coal 1-20 (80%)


Within the land of Sunagakure, where the blistering winds across the dunes, venturing deep into the labyrinthine desert, an ancient chamber concealed beneath shifting dunes was discovered. A series of rare seismic events unfolded. The convergence of natural energies triggered the birth of an creature from the very essence of the desert itself. From the depths of the sunbaked sands emerged a colossal scorpion, its exoskeleton shimmering with the radiant hues of the desert sun. This magnificent creature rose from the ground, embodying the raw power and mystique of the desert.

The scorpion embodied the desert's inherent magic, as if the land itself had given birth to a creature forged from the ancient sands. The creature's massive pincers, each as sharp as the desert winds, spoke to its formidable nature, while the glow that emanated from its carapace hinted at a mystical connection to the cosmic forces.

The Sandweaver Scorpion

These subterranean scorpions, known locally as the “Sandweavers,” were not ordinary creatures. Their carapaces bore the same radiant hues as a colossal beast, They exhibited an uncanny synchronization with the celestial rhythms that governed the desert. It was as if the Sandweavers were the miniature counterparts to the majestic puppet.

The Sandweavers lived in harmony beneath the sunbaked dunes, their existence hidden from the casual observer. They were attuned to the shifting sands, capable of navigating beneath the surface with precision. Legend spoke of an ancient pact between these scorpions and the desert itself, as if the arid land had granted them a special connection to its very essence.

A Scorpion fighting local Sunagakure Shinobi