The Lost Century

PERIOD Approximately 490 - 590 AHR


In the history of The Walls, the period of 490-590 AHR remains lost in time, being dubbed the “Lost Century”. Across these years, a symphony of natural cataclysms played out: shaking sculpted terrains, storms redefined horizons, and upheavals tested civilizations.

Survival claimed precedence, rendering the chronicling of history an afterthought. Ink dulled, pages decayed, and oral accounts fragmented. In the turbulence, the era's narratives faded into obscurity. Whispers of these times now hang like veils, cloaking a riddle of nature's unbridled power and its ability to engulf human tales.

In our time, curious minds still strive to piece together the puzzle of the “Lost Century.” This enigmatic period serves as a reminder that even in the throes of survival, the hand of nature can rewrite the script of humanity, leaving behind only fragments of an untold saga.


As of now, the mystery of the “Lost Century” still remains, as little has been uncovered about this mysterious and illusive part of the Walls' forgotten history.