Aetamos Yome

Personal Details
NAME Aetamos Yome
TITLE “The Sun's Justice”
AGE 23
VILLAGE Sunagakure
QUOTE “True peace is the presence of justice.”
IN OFFICE 12 VE - Present
HEIR ???

Early Life

Not much is known about the early life of Aetamos.

Land of Mountains

While Aetamos was a Chunin, Village Overseer of Sunagakure, Mad Uchiha hosted a training which took place in the maze outside of the Land of Mountains. At first, things were fine. The shinobi faced rogue shinobi and wild bears, which were taken out with ease. A mistake occurred, which was told by Mad Uchiha that they could use chakra. Typically, it is known that using chakra in the maze would upset the inhabitants which reside in the mountains. As the shinobi continued to use chakra to slay the various foes they encountered inside of the maze, a man named “Vi K. Yome” emerged from the opposite entrance. The shinobi scrambled out of the maze, knowing that whatever comes from the mountains means bad news after disobeying their rule on no chakra usage. After a minute, Vi K. told all remaining shinobi in the maze to stand still. Listening to directions, the six remaining shinobi inside of the maze did as told. They were then told to follow Vi K inside the land. All that is known from the event from that point on is only two shinobi returned. The two being Negan Uchiha and Aetamos Yome. Both were interviewed about what happened there, but both shared a distinct fogginess in their memory. The only difference between the two is that Aetamos Yome came out stronger, equaling the strength to that of a Jonin.

Appointed Kazekage

After the death of the first Kazekage, Tall Yome, Aetamos was elected the second. This was based on a note left in Tall's will stating his personal request of allowing Aetamos to be his successor in case he was ever killed. With this note, Mad Uchiha officially recognized Aetamos Yome as the Lord Second, as did the rest of Sunagakure.